This is the story I never wanted anyone to know… It’s the raw and honest truth about my life As A Woman in Colombia.In February of 2013, I set foot in Colombia for the…
Year: 2020
Blog posts
The Danger of Life Abroad in Colombia
When you leave your own country for a place like Colombia, you are in the proverbial JUNGLE. It never ceases to amaze me how naive so many foreign residents tend to be. This is…
The Truth About Colombian Men
I’m not gonna lie. The Truth about Colombian men is this, that they are probably some of the worst creatures to ever roam the earth, be it flat, spherical, or square. I must admit…
5 Great Ways to Meet Men in Colombia
Five great ways to meet men in Colombia are a short list of things that have worked for me either inadvertently or through intention. I don’t claim to be an expert, only a witness…
New Adventures and Artifacts in Quinchia, Risaralda | Colombian Coffee Region
As I put my foot down in Quinchia, something in me shifted – it was meant to be, but only at the right time. My mind wandered back to the first time Carolina contacted…
Cabalgata – An Incredible Horse Adventure in Colombia
The most unique and under-appreciated culture in Colombia is the “Cabalgata,” or trail ride/horse ride. A cabalgata can be riding with a group from one-pueblo to another, trotting/pacing main street, or informal horse parades…
Liisto Application, Essential Expat Services in Colombia
The hardest transition for many foreign residents, can be finding the people you need, ensuring the work gets done, without being taken for a ride. Language barriers, employee culture and dishonesty has created a…
How to Surthrive COVID-19
The most simultaneously beautiful and horrible thing about all this, is that conditions are very similar and the playing field is leveled a bit, no matter where you are. We are all dealing with…
Life in Colombia, During Coronavirus
Oh shucks, I just scheduled two appointments for a day I don’t have for going out. And, then I am automatically re-calculating where I get off the bus to avoid the CAI, or local…
COVID-19 Fear, Loathing and Chocolate in Colombia
I absolutely love eating and drinking Chocolate in Colombia, but I LOATHE the over-the-top COVID-19 Dicktatorial CONTROL of a small city in the middle of the Coffee Axis, which I happen to call home!…
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