That falling sensation – the one we all hope to feel at least once in our lives, might have a rough landing. Are Colombians Capable of Love? When the honeymoon ends we are left…
Author: openmindedtraveler
English Teacher, Freelancer, Chocolate Entrepreneur and Traveler!!
Blog posts
For Sale in Manizales Colombia – Farm with Great Touristic Potential $217,000 USD
For a unique situation which will pay you back on your investment, this Farm For Sale in Manizales with Touristic Potential is a special place for touristic ambitions only 15 minutes from el Centro (downtown), Manizales in the heart of the Colombian Coffee Axis.
How To Understand Relationships vs Sex in Colombia
Where I try to shine a light on relationships vs sex in Colombia. Here you will find some of the most friendly, open, and fun people to hang out with that inspire, add color…
7 Ways to Increase Your Home Security While Traveling
Ways to Increase Your Home Security While Traveling is something that people should look forward to. While leaving the area does come with a long list of pros, it does bring some cons as…
How to Live a Happy Life in Colombia, in 10 tips!
Burn-out and disillusionment is a real part of life here. Let’s open a can of worms, and talk about How to Have a Happy Life in Colombia.
As a Woman in Colombia 2 | Loneliness and Frustration
Let’s pull one of our big white elephants out of the closet about life as a woman (men too!!) in Colombia, and the loneliness and frustration that tends to come along with it. Maybe…
The Honest Truth About Colombian Women
Colombian women, could she be the beginning of a romantic lifestyle in an exotic far away country, or your worst nightmare. This is probably one of the most controversial posts I have ever written…
As A Woman in Colombia
This is the story I never wanted anyone to know… It’s the raw and honest truth about my life As A Woman in Colombia.In February of 2013, I set foot in Colombia for the…
The Danger of Life Abroad in Colombia
When you leave your own country for a place like Colombia, you are in the proverbial JUNGLE. It never ceases to amaze me how naive so many foreign residents tend to be. This is…
The Truth About Colombian Men
I’m not gonna lie. The Truth about Colombian men is this, that they are probably some of the worst creatures to ever roam the earth, be it flat, spherical, or square. I must admit…
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