

Where I convey all the energy, color, intrigue and adventure that is Colombia Travel and life. Follow my experiences in the country I have loved since 2013. Some of the links will take you off-site to my other websites. Enjoy!

Colombia is My Dream

Every since I set foot in this amazing place, I knew it had an incredible potential. Every day since then I have felt very fortunate to be able to live and work here.

Pacific Coast Region: El Choco & Buenadventura

The Coffee Axis of Colombia

The Capital of Colombia, Bogota

  • Three Days in Bogota and 3 Ways to Do it Right: On this visit, my youngest brother Andrew came along with me. Graffiti, cheap beer and gourmet food was our goal. Learn more about where we went and what we did here!
  • A Holistic Experience in Bogota. Brick, concrete, graffiti, fresh coffee and mountain views all come to mind when I think of Bogota, Colombia. It’s a city of danger with a side of excellent cuisine made fresh by Colombians who have traveled enough to know… What most visitors don’t consider is green spaces, farmers markets and meditation.

The Caribbean Coast

The South of Colombia