For a unique situation which will pay you back on your investment, this Farm For Sale in Manizales with Touristic Potential is a special place for touristic ambitions only 15 minutes from el Centro (downtown), Manizales in the heart of the Colombian Coffee Axis.
Category: Lifestyle
Blog posts
How to Live a Happy Life in Colombia, in 10 tips!
Burn-out and disillusionment is a real part of life here. Let’s open a can of worms, and talk about How to Have a Happy Life in Colombia.
As a Woman in Colombia 2 | Loneliness and Frustration
Let’s pull one of our big white elephants out of the closet about life as a woman (men too!!) in Colombia, and the loneliness and frustration that tends to come along with it. Maybe…
5 Great Ways to Meet Men in Colombia
Five great ways to meet men in Colombia are a short list of things that have worked for me either inadvertently or through intention. I don’t claim to be an expert, only a witness…
Liisto Application, Essential Expat Services in Colombia
The hardest transition for many foreign residents, can be finding the people you need, ensuring the work gets done, without being taken for a ride. Language barriers, employee culture and dishonesty has created a…
Life in Colombia, During Coronavirus
Oh shucks, I just scheduled two appointments for a day I don’t have for going out. And, then I am automatically re-calculating where I get off the bus to avoid the CAI, or local…
COVID-19 Fear, Loathing and Chocolate in Colombia
I absolutely love eating and drinking Chocolate in Colombia, but I LOATHE the over-the-top COVID-19 Dicktatorial CONTROL of a small city in the middle of the Coffee Axis, which I happen to call home!…
My Diet Plan for a Healthy Body | 30 Day Challenge
You are what you eat. And please, don’t try to tell me how food is food. We all know that there are foods which improve our health, and foods which cause our health to…
Day 7 My Workout Plan For a Stronger Body | My 30 Day Challenge
I waited until the end of my first week to publish this update. Because – since I am designing the challenge according to what I perceive to be my needs I wanted to be…
Day 2 My Tai Chi Plan| My 30 Day Challenge
This is one what will be several short updates where I give you insight into how I am going to flesh out the broader statements of my initial 30 Day Plan post. Each one…
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