There is an ancient Chinese curse that says “May your life be interesting…” and in some ways that can be poignantly true. Some other guy even said “ignorance is bliss” while another one was…
Category: Teaching English
Blog posts
Getting Started in my New English Teaching Job
Teaching is an adventure, full of drama, sometimes scary and very rewarding! Teaching English in a foreign country is even more exciting because you must also factor in cultural nuances and language barriers. The…
When the water shuts off…
I have been back in Pereira now after my visa run and I am living with a co worker who offered a room to me while I work and search for an apartment to…
Visa run to Tulcan, Ecuador!!!!
When I left for my work visa run one of the bosses gave me a very specific directive printed in Spanish (because this wise guy knows I have amazing perfect Spanish and not just…
Teaching English in Colombia | Skinny Dipping
I am now in Ibagué, skinny dipping, meeting my future co-workers, the Jefe (a.k.a. Bossman), exploring the city and still fighting my cold. Ok, tranquilo, my cold will get better. For now I am…
My Crazy Life Takes Me Colombia Instead of Peru
February 7, 2013It’s a brand new beautiful day in a new chapter of My Crazy Life in Colombia Instead of Peru. Originally, my flight plans were going to take me to Arequipa, Peru. There…
My “Goodbye America” visit to San Francisco, California US
When you leave for an epic adventure how do you say goodbye properly? That is the question every traveler must answer for themselves. For me it is a trip to San Francisco! For Culture!…
My Last Substitute Teaching Job in the United States
Many people in my stateside city of residence cringe when I say the name Washoe High School, their perceptions are based on stereotypes and unfortunate facts. However I am honored to spend my last two weeks before…
Countdown to Adventure!
Only 4 more weeks until I once more bid all my family and loved ones goodbye again for another yet undetermined period of absence. The hardest part of the wandering life is leaving and…
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