Let’s pull one of our big white elephants out of the closet about life as a woman (men too!!) in Colombia, and the loneliness and frustration that tends to come along with it. Maybe…
Tag: Expat Lifestyle
Blog posts
15 Lessons Learned From Living in Colombia
The Things I Have Learned Living in Colombia is meant to help you take the shortcut I wish I had when I first moved here. These are things which will help you survive and…
Nobody Cares About Single Moms
If you are a single mom who is struggling – don’t reach out to family and friends hoping they will help you, or even support your projects. Our time has come and gone. In…
Life in The Coffee Axis: Pereira
Like the steamy fragrance and happy bubbly sound of a good cup of coffee being made in the morning, this story has been brewing in my imagination for a while. What is life REALLY like, in…
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