For a unique situation which will pay you back on your investment, this Farm For Sale in Manizales with Touristic Potential is a special place for touristic ambitions only 15 minutes from el Centro (downtown), Manizales in the heart of the Colombian Coffee Axis.
Category: Life Abroad
Blog posts
As a Woman in Colombia 2 | Loneliness and Frustration
Let’s pull one of our big white elephants out of the closet about life as a woman (men too!!) in Colombia, and the loneliness and frustration that tends to come along with it. Maybe…
The Danger of Life Abroad in Colombia
When you leave your own country for a place like Colombia, you are in the proverbial JUNGLE. It never ceases to amaze me how naive so many foreign residents tend to be. This is…
New Adventures and Artifacts in Quinchia, Risaralda | Colombian Coffee Region
As I put my foot down in Quinchia, something in me shifted – it was meant to be, but only at the right time. My mind wandered back to the first time Carolina contacted…
Liisto Application, Essential Expat Services in Colombia
The hardest transition for many foreign residents, can be finding the people you need, ensuring the work gets done, without being taken for a ride. Language barriers, employee culture and dishonesty has created a…
15 Lessons Learned From Living in Colombia
The Things I Have Learned Living in Colombia is meant to help you take the shortcut I wish I had when I first moved here. These are things which will help you survive and…
Nobody Cares About Single Moms
If you are a single mom who is struggling – don’t reach out to family and friends hoping they will help you, or even support your projects. Our time has come and gone. In…
Raped, Robbed and Screwed Over in Colombia
There are good times and fun to be had in South America. Come along and discover How to Get Raped, Robbed and Screwed Over in Colombia. Where I am actually going to lay out the…
6 Tips Colombian Dating Culture | Coffee Axis
Colombian Dating Culture is somewhere between total exhilaration and a complete shitshow. In other words, it is a roller coaster not meant for the weak of heart. The one thing I have learned over…
The Colombian Dating Game | A.K.A. My Unique Experience
Colombian Dating is crazy – even more so if you are foreign.
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