Ew! Gross! I Need Help Killing Cockroaches Anyone who has seen the 1996 classic movie Joe’s Apartment, is probably mentally traumatized on some level. Even more so if you have ever dealt with cockroaches…
Year: 2016
Blog posts
A Personal Musing | Peace in Colombia, Is this real?
The moment has come – almost. Peace in Colombia is finally starting to become a real thing. According to some, it is only a gloss veneer of political maneuvering. For others, it is the…
Three Days in Bogota and Three Ways to Do it Right
When the recent meet-up of the Colombian Bloggers Association gave me 3 days in Bogota, it turned into an adventure that could have happened several different ways. And, I wanted to share 3 ways…
Reserva Cauquitá Natural Adventure in Pereira
From under the yellow/green striped Guadua trees, I could see the sun peeking playfully through the redolent greenery that surrounded me at Reserva Cauquitá. I breathed in the deep rich smells of the…
Coffee: The Most Loved Liquid in the World From Seed to Cup
Anyone who drinks coffee, on some level, realizes that it was grown on a plant, processed and delivered in either grinds or beans to grind. And now for some really important news: This is…
Let’s Talk Pereira, An Engaging Culture Exchange and Language Swap!
Let’s Talk Pereira totally lacks the social elegance of Bogota, even so your chances aren’t completely sunk! If you aren’t into the Club Comercio money parade, the strange but elusive Rotaracts, or the aged…
The Pereira City Guide
Exciting News! Pereira is going to have a City Guide! NOT one of those grammatically funky, state-sponsored info sheets! Something Beautiful… Informative… And, Interesting… Featuring current information and points of interest. Where to…
Expert Roundup: What is the Best Secret to Know When Living, Working or Traveling in Colombia?
Coming to Colombia for me has been such an adventure. I came with an open mind, and an open heart. Things worked out. That isn’t always the case, but when it is, it’s extra…
The 4 Things Life Taught Me About Failure
Failure. There it is. The word which haunts us. The two syllables which make us cringe just by hearing them used in our direction. That enormous sinking feeling after you realize that your best…
Savage Paradise Part III: The Peaceful Spirit of El Choco and Her People.
This is the story of a man who is originally from the capital of Choco, and the serendipitous story about how he made it out of Quibdo, got an education, was a professional athlete and now…
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